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Student Life

Registering for classes for fall 1987 still involved standing in long lines, but the pull-card system of past decades was gone. In 1991, students started the online self-enrollment process.Beginning in 1987, 每个宿舍房间都配备了一个终端,连接到一个公共服务器,提供访问在线图书馆目录的权限, word processing and email.Dr. David Bahnemann, a Math/Computer Science professor, 在和记棋牌娱乐,他是为想要获得计算机科学学位的学生开设的首批课程之一.President B.D. 欧文斯和教务长乔治·英格利希在新生优势期间为新生和他们的父母提供烧烤.欧文斯总统在奥利弗·德鲁斯美术大楼的查尔斯·约翰逊剧院的舞台上与戏剧专业的学生交谈.Bearcat basketball always drew large crowds  to Lamkin Gym.  Starting in 1993, Bearcat basketball was held in Bearcat Arena.The Reverend Jesse Jackson visited campus on March 15, 1995 as part of Northwest's Distinguished Lecture Series. Students listen to Professor Dr. William Fleming in one of the lecture rooms in Colden Hall during the 1970s.With the addition of a Computer Science degree, 和记棋牌娱乐吸引了对计算机和信息技术感兴趣的学生.  One of the first programming classes was taught by Dr. Gary McDonald. McDonald is shown helping students in his class.Students enjoy a picnic during Northwest's Freshman Advantage Week. 拉姆金体育馆的健身中心在20世纪80年代中期是西北运动员的热门场所.  健身中心今天仍然很受欢迎,所有学生都可以进入该地区, as well as the Recreational Center built in the late 1990s.Celebrated poet, artist, best-selling author, playwright, actress, Civil Rights activist and historian, Maya Angelou, visited Northwest on Dec. 4, 1995.  安杰洛在玛丽·林恩表演艺术中心(现在的罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心)向座上当当的观众发表了演讲,这是和记棋牌娱乐杰出讲座系列的一部分.Nobel Peace Prize Winner and former President of South Africa, F.W. DeKlerk, visited Northwest on Oct. 5, 2006, to give a speech as part of Northwest's Distinguished Lecture Series.  德克勒克被认为结束了南非的种族隔离制度,释放了纳尔逊·曼德拉.  曼德拉还获得了诺贝尔和平奖,并在种族隔离制度解体后从政治犯升任南非总统.西北地区的学生组织为1973年的返校节游行制作了精致的花车,比如“ID精灵”1973年,在西北的返校节游行中,粉红豹拜访了他的朋友鲍比熊猫.  《粉红豹》是一部以笨手笨手的法国警探雅克·克鲁索为主角的系列喜剧电影,从1963年同名电影上映开始. 在1973年的返校节游行中,西北高层建筑群女王乘坐一辆敞篷车.1973年返校节游行期间,一群西北女生联谊会的姐妹们骑在一辆玛丽维尔消防车上,展示她们的校风.1987年西北返乡游行期间,学生们正在制作返乡花车.  数百名女生联谊会的姐妹和兄弟会的兄弟们准备了用薄纸和铁丝网做成的豪华花车,以代表他们最喜欢的卡通人物.在1987年的西北返校节游行中,有许多以漫画为灵感的花车在大学大道上游行,其中一辆是坐在狗屋上的史努比花生帮.1987年西北返校节游行期间,芝麻街来到了学院大道.The International Student Organization, 与资讯科技署合作,在2007年西北返校游行期间,共同展示电子校园如何连接世界各地的熊狸.The theme of the 2007 Homecoming Parade was "Bobby Bearcat Goes Around the World" and floats like the Information Technology/International Student Organization float represented Northwest's global outreach.在2007年西北返校游行中,西北拉拉队展示了他们的精神,鼓励人们展示他们的熊猫骄傲.西北军乐队在2007年西北返校游行中展示他们的音乐.

自从成为一所大学以来,和记棋牌娱乐的学生参加了各种各样的活动. 每年一度的圣诞盛宴开始于1973年,由吉尔伯特·惠特尼和后来的约翰博士主持. Richard Weymuth. 时至今日,西北马德里人仍为无数和记娱乐ios带来季节性的中世纪欢乐, faculty, staff, students and the Maryville community. In 1971, 由于学生们利用这一天进行不适当的校外活动,罢课日一度中断. But the tradition of Walkout Day was restored in 1977.

学生会在1987年和1998年分别设立了塔服务奖, also introduced the Commitment to Quality Award. Northwest's administration, under the leadership of President Dean Hubbard, 帮助和记棋牌娱乐凭借其对质量计划的机构承诺赢得了四项密苏里质量奖. Student athletes triumphed in many sports, especially football. Bearcat Football saw championships win in 1998 and 1999.

In 1987, 随着电子校园项目的实施,学生们的交流方式发生了巨大的变化. 联网终端被放置在每个宿舍房间,然后升级为联网, personal computers with standardized university software, which include Microsoft Windows and Office Professional.

Registration for classes became easier with the advent of online registration, first with Star and WebStar and then with CatPAWS. SOAR成立于20世纪90年代末,旨在帮助新生在开学前适应校园. SOAR(夏季入学指导和注册计划)允许新生和他们的家长花一天的时间在校园里与SOAR负责人(一名目前在和记棋牌娱乐的学生,与他们有相似的兴趣)进行访问。. During SOAR, parents and new students meet with a faculty advisor, 注册第一学期的课程,并有机会参观宿舍. In 2008, 和记棋牌娱乐的所有全日制学生都收到了一台装有标准化大学软件的无线笔记本电脑,这是“电子校园”正在进行的倡议的一部分,旨在使科技在校园无处不在.